RENEW4GE Project
The project "RENEW4GE – a Rail and sEa eNhancEment to Widerly connect Genoa to Europe" - 2020-IT-TM-0037-S is co-funded by the DG Move within the framework of the CEF Transport programme of the European Union.
The proposal was presented under the 2020 CEF Transport - Reflow Call 2 by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority to co-finance the planning of a series of infrastructure works for the improvement of the last-mile rail connection to the Genoa-Sampierdarena basin as well as the "New Port Control Tower". These works are necessary because of the tragic collapse of the former control tower on 7 May 2013 and are set to improve the maritime accessibility of the Port of Genoa. The timeline for the studies, initially scheduled between 22 March 2021 and 31 December 2022, has been extended to 31 December 2023.

In terms of rail accessibility, the main objective of the project is to overcome the major bottlenecks in the Sampierdarena basin, such as the non-electrified line and the limited length of the railway yards. The project forms part of a broader strategic framework of national and European importance including fundamental infrastructure interventions which are in progress (Terzo Valico/Third Railway Link across the Apennines, Genoa railway junction and restructuring of the Campasso railway yard) in order to complete the southern end of the European Rhine-Alps corridor on the Ligurian side.
In terms of maritime accessibility, the project responds to the need for increased safety in access manoeuvres to the Port. This requirement is an increasingly pressing concern due to the continuous upsizing of ships. The new infrastructure will also be equipped with technological and IT systems and equipment, including VTMIS systems. In the same perspective, the Port Authority envisages major upgrades to the port entrance and navigation channel and to the breakwater to protect the Sampierdarena basin.
Costs: 5.550.000 €
EU funding: 2.775.000 €