Port Masterplan
Savona and Vado Ligure
The Savona -Vado Port Masterplan, approved in 2005, identified various objectives:
- The development of trade function, by creating new solutions aimed at improving operations in the two ports in order to strengthen the already existing port-logistics activities and identify potential sites to support growth in new sectors;
- The development of tourism function, particularly focusing on cruises, yachting and shipbuilding industry;
- Implementation of new synergies between port and city, to improve the compatibility between port activities and urban economy and enhance the best areas;
- A greater integration of logistic in port areas by redesigning road links to transport corridors.
The project’s strategy was grounded on consolidation and rationalization of business in Savona and on the expansion of Vado Ligure port area.
Vado Eastward expansion project, in particular aimed to upgrade cruise terminal facilities, to make landfill reclamation alongside the breakwater and build a new road access to Savona port area, to complete the port-city area regeneration, as well as the functional and urban re-qualification of the coastline between Savona and Albissola with the construction of a new marina in Margonara.
The greatest development opportunities pivoted on the Port of Vado, in fact, being positioned outside the city centre but supported by efficient road links to major transport corridors, showed high potential for hosting new infrastructures.
The expansion Plan envisaged to restore former bulker business and set up a new container terminal, while also restructuring road access and reducing environmental impact. The whole projects concerning Savona port, except for landfill operations and the new marina, have already been completed, whereas the expansion of Vado Ligure logistic hub is still in progress.
Regarding Savona and Vado Ligure, further growth opportunities are to be assessed on the ground of a unified perspective agreed with Genoa port in compliance with the new Masterplan which is currently being conceived by Sea Port Authority.