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25 March 2019
38 seconds of reading time

The cranes were unloaded at C.Steinweg – GMT Terminal specialised in handling difficult project cargo.

Genoa, 18 March – The components of the 5 mega-cranes, due to be installed at the Morandi bridge site for the demolition of the remaining sections of the viaduct, were shipped to Genoa from the Netherlands on board the “Constance” multi-purpose vessel. 
The cranes were offloaded at Genoa’s C.Steinweg – GMT Terminal, highly specialised in handling difficult project cargo. The oversized cargo was delivered to the Morandi construction site across approximately thirty heavyweight cargo road transport services and eighty traditional full truck transport services. The unloading operations in the port were overseen by Fagioli, the company in partnership with Omini, Ireos and Ipe progetti which won the contract to demolish the Morandi bridge.

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