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26 August 2019
37 seconds of reading time

Vado Ligure, 21 August 2019 – A group of 30 Chinese junior school students visited Vado Gateway terminal as part of the Little Panda Journalists Visit the World initiative promoting cultural exchanges between China and other countries.

The project was launched in 2017 in Chengdu in the Sichuan Province, with a selection of young students between 6 and 16 years old chosen as reporters to visit the countries and cities situated along the Belt and Road Initiative route.
The children were accompanied by TV crews from the China Central Television and Kunming Studio Television Station who filmed and broadcast live with China all the stages of the site inspection. The young reporters were enthusiastic to visit the new Vado Gateway terminal operated by APM Terminals and scheduled to be inaugurated on 12 December 2019.

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