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09 September 2019
39 seconds of reading time

ampliamento aeroporto di GenovaThe new stylish terminal extension is to be built with eco-sustainable materials and will offer a full array of passenger amenities for maximum comfort

Genoa, 9 September 2019 - The Milan-based architects studio One Works has been assigned the contract, signed this morning, for the Cristoforo Colombo terminal expansion project, which is to include a modern baggage-handling facility. Works on the 16-million euro project are due to start by the end of the year, with a completion date within 36 months. The new functional terminal passenger building will cover an additional 5,500 sqm, across three levels, with specific focus on a new larger check-in area, a wider selection of retails outlets and food & beverage counters, and the installation of a fifth passenger boarding bridge.

More information
Press release - Genoa - 9 September 2019 (italian lang.) ({docidfileslight}569{/docidfileslight})

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