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23 December 2019
47 seconds of reading time
New Port Waste Management Plan

Nuovo piano per la gestione dei rifiuti in porto

The Ports of Genoa: another important step towards environmental sustainability


The Liguria Region passed the new "Management plan for ship-generated waste and cargo residues", elaborated by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority in compliance with Decree Law 182/03 and the directive 2000/59/CE.

The plan completes the set of tools implemented by the Port Authority, aimed at safeguarding human health and the environment from the impact of port activities and at promoting the national programme for waste separation and recycling, towards improved environmental sustainability.

The paper sets out guidelines of good practices in the introduction of services dedicated to the disposal of waste generated by ships calling at the Ports of Genova, Prà, Savona and Vado Ligure, namely, in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness, and in compliance with strict safety and security standards, and based upon the identification of experienced and professional approved suppliers.

- Management plan for ship-generated waste and cargo residues - 2019 ({docidfileslight}683{/docidfileslight})

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