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12 February 2020
30 seconds of reading time
 Local economic impact of Stazioni Marittime passenger terminal operations released

Risposte Turismo released the Report on "Stazioni Marittime operations and the overall economic impact on the City of Genoa"

Genoa, 12 febbraio 2019 - The study, undertaken in 2019 across a detailed analysis of research findings from the port terminal operator and the major stakeholders, outlines that the 3.5 million passengers and the 2000 calls handled by Stazioni Marittime last year made an added-value contribution to the local Genoese economy ranging from 374 to 433 million euros.

In 2019, considering the overall direct and indirect impact, each of the 3.5 million passengers is estimated to have made an average value-added contribution of 106 euro to the local economy.

Press Release ({docidfileslight}700{/docidfileslight})

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