
RTI FUORIMURO SHUNTING & RAIL, formed by FuoriMuro Servizi di Manovra S.r.l. and FuoriMuro Impresa Ferroviaria S.r.l., has been awarded the exclusive management of the rail shunting activities in the Port of Genoa, following a public tender in 2023, on the basis of a service concession granted by the Port System Authority. This management is based on the concession contract signed on 28 December 2023 between Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and RTI.

Since 2010, the FuoriMuro Group has been in charge of all the rail shunting operations in the Port of Genoa through the concession granted by the Port Authority, and is a key point in the connection between the Port of Genoa and the main logistic and consumption centres of the North-West, thanks to its ability to integrate the shunting operations inside the port with a traction service to the inland terminals in the North Italian port area. In addition, since August 2012, FuoriMuro has been operating daily services on the Italy-France axis via Ventimiglia, and in 2014 it received the prestigious award of 'Best European Rail Freight Operator' assigned in London as part of the European Rail Congress.

In 2022, the port of Genoa handled more than 140,000 rail wagons, marking positive growth compared to previous years.

The service concession has a duration of five years, starting from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2028.

The annually updated tariffs for shunting and ancillary services are available on the FuoriMuro website.