The Ports of Genoa extensive investment programme is well underway. Infrastructure works contracts awarded by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority reached total project value of almost 200 million euros
In 2020, alongside the implementation of the Port of Genoa Recovery and Action Plan, the execution of the Standard Infrastructure Programme of the Port Authority is also on course and has delivered on a range of infrastructure improvement projects, for a total value of over 37 million euros, across the Ports of Genoa, Prà, Savona and Vado Ligure.
Specifically, over 90% of restructuring works planned, in response to the extensive damage caused to port facilities and coastline by severe sea-storms over the past two years, have been awarded for a total of 16 million euros. In addition, maintenance works underway include the reconstruction of the Calata Zingari quaywall in Genoa's passenger port, the upgrade of the Vado port gates and new lighting systems across the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure.
Whilst a range of projects, for a total value of 155 million euros, outlined in the Port of Genoa Recovery and Action Plan, were contracted in 2020, that is, over 80% of budgeted works scheduled for the past year. In addition, the Port Authority undersigned the concession agreement with Vitali S.p.A. and Roncello Capital S.r.l. for the redevelopment and management of the former Hennebique grain silos, a monumental industrial building with a project value of approximately 128.7 million euros.
Other major projects contracted towards the end of the year include hydraulic river defence and engineering works in the Sestri Ponente shipyard area (first phase), the construction of the new Port Control Tower, the expansion of the of the Genoa International Airport passenger facilities and the review of the Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for the construction of the new breakwater in the Port of Genoa.
2021 is set to be a moment of rebirth for the Port of Genoa as infrastructure works outlined in the Investment Programme are on schedule to be awarded for a total of over 2 billion euros. In full compliance with the EU Code of Public Procurement Procedures, the regulations in force dovetail a reduction in the award procedure timescales with the continued application of stringent safety, security, environmental and counter-organised crime measures. For instance, the timescale for the publication of calls for expressions of interest is reduced from an average of five months to approximately 40 days.
For further information, please visit the Interactive Port Infrastructure Map: Geolocalizzazione interventi strutturali