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14 November 2023
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Ambassador of Vietnam opens in Genoa the Exhibition - A Tale of Two Ports

The Government Commissioner Paolo Piacenza welcomed to the Port Authority headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio, His Excellency Duong Hai Hung, Ambassador of Vietnam to Italy, for the inauguration of the Exhibition Genoa-Hai Phong - A Tale of Two Ports in the monumental Sala delle Compere.

In the course of the meeting with H.E. Duong Hai Hung, Commissioner Piacenza hailed the Ambassador's proposal to boost further the trading relations between Italy and Vietnam and to capitalise upon the long-established solidarity between the Port of Genoa and the southeastern Asian country to consolidate the Ligurian capital's role to serve the shipping and chain supply community.

In his opening remarks, the Commissioner commented, "We are honoured to receive the Ambassador in the historic port headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio, as a token to the enduring friendship between Vietnam and our port. I strongly welcome the proposition to foster the close ties between us, with a focus on port industry issues and on the know-how that we can provide."

The exhibition has been organised by the Italy-Vietnam Association, with the support of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the humanitarian aid cargo ship sent to the Vietnamese population on the part of the Genoese dockers, and is open until Saturday, 18 November 2023, free admission.

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