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15 June 2021
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The Ambassador to the Republic of Korea meets with President Signorini

The Korean Ambassador to Italy, Hee-seog Kwon, met with the President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, on an official visit to Genoa.

The visit of Ambassador Kwon to the Ports of Genoa headquarters, in the historic landmark building of Palazzo San Giorgio, provided President Signorini with the opportunity to illustrate the major infrastructure projects underway in the Ports of Genoa and Savona and receive an update on the far-reaching expansion programme in progress in the South Korean Ports of Busan and Incheon. Within this framework, the participants pledged their support to boosting further industrial and trade relations between the Republic of Korea and the Ports of Genoa. In 2019 container volumes between the South Korean ports and Genoa rose to over 56,000 TEUs.

South Korea ranks as a major trading partner of the North Italian vibrant manufacturing and industrial zone, and the Ports of Genoa is firmly committed to capitalising upon its strategic position to cater for the high volumes of Italian exports and Korean consumer goods imported into Europe.
Ambassador Hee-seog Kwon was accompanied by his staff and by Giuseppe Franceschelli, appointed goodwill ambassador of the City of Genoa, with a 6-year working experience in South Korea.

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