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24 July 2023
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An extra 8 million euros in public funds for port infrastructure works

The Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport has allocated an additional 8 million euros to the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority from the “Fund for key infrastructure feasibility studies towards the economic development of the Nation, and project reviews of infrastructure works already financed – 2021-2023 resources and biennial residual funds 2019-2020”.

A total of 8,353,354 euros – out of the 39,466,000 euros released for the Port Authorities – have been assigned to the Ports of Genoa for the elaboration of technical-financial feasibility studies.

The funds are to be allocated for the following 8 projects underway in the Port of Genoa: the construction of the new mega-drydock in Sestri Ponente shipyard (3.4 million euros); the New Open-sea Breakwater (3.6 million euros); dredging in the Passenger Port and Sampierdarena Basin to cater for the ultra-large container and passenger vessel requirements (148,000 euros); upgrade of railway links to the Campasso Railyard (209,000 euros); infrastructure works at Calata Bettolo (310,000 euros) and for the expansion of the Ronco-Canepa container terminal (355,000 euros); coastal protection at the Genoa-Pra’ terminal (152,000 euros); port gate security infrastructure upgrade (138,000 euros).

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