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12 October 2020
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Calata Bettolo Terminal opens with MSC Sena

Operations go ahead in the Port of Genoa's new Calata Bettolo box terminal as MSC Sena docks with a container load from the Black Sea.

Following the completion of the landfill in the basin of the Old Port, the terminal currently extends along a 380-metre quay line with an alongside depth of 17 metres and a surface area of 9 hectares, with 7 ha dedicated to container handling operations for a maximum capacity of 150,000 TEU per annum. The new port facility is equipped with mobile cranes, 3 reach stackers, 2 empty container handlers, 3 RTGs and 10 terminal tractors.

Upon completion of the works, the terminal will be further extended and expanded to cater for greater throughput volumes in import/export.

To date, the Calata Bettolo facility is equipped to accommodate incoming heavy road vehicles and is set to become officially operational with the MSC Sena, which is to set sail from Genoa with a shipment for Gioia Tauro and final destination to the Black Sea.

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