The “Dunes” Project construction works have resumed along the Genoa-Pra’ canal. Notwithstanding the Covid-19 public health emergency, the construction site is once again operational, with the objective of completing a promenade which has been designed to function both as a visual screen and as a noise barrier between PSA Genova-Prà container terminal and the local urban area.
The port-city intergration project, part of the Emergency Investment Programme for the Recovery and Redevelopment of the Port of Genoa (Emergency Decree for Genoa n.130/2018), reports to the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and is carried out with the cooperation of the City of Genoa.
On 5 May, construction is scheduled to commence on the paving at the base of the artificial “dunes”. In addition, works have resumed on the the installation of the new electrical power grid to provide PSA Genova-Prà container terminal with alternative shoreside connection solutions, aimed at containing ships’ emissions and improving energy efficiency and noise reduction impact on the local urban area. The plan features as an important contribution to the sustainability of port activities, and shore-to-ship power is set to be provided to all four berths and to serve two container vessels simultaneously.
The 10-million euro investment programme is scheduled for completion in the latter part of 2020.
The project is co-funded by the European Union and works are scheduled for completion by the second half of the year.