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26 March 2020
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Costa Cruises supports doctors and nurses from the Ligurian Region in the fight against the Covid-19 Emergency

In light of the difficult situation facing the whole country, Costa Cruises comes to the forefront of the fight against the COVID-19 emergency, by supporting the work of doctors and nurses of the Liguria Region who are committed each day to safeguard public health.

Genoa, March 26 2020 - In particular, the Italian company will contribute to the battle against the Coronavirus by donating medical supplies to the ASL 2 Hospital in Savona and the San Martino Hospital in Genoa, as agreed upon with the Liguria Region. 40,000 masks, 5,000 gloves, 1,000 protective kits, 100 goggles and 200 high-protection overalls will, in fact, be delivered to these hospitals in a very short time.

“This donation is a sign of gratitude and appreciation expressed by the company to the doctors, nurses and all the whole Italian healthcare personnel – especially from Liguria – for the heroic work they have been facing these past few weeks” – stated Neil Palomba, President of Costa Cruises, adding: “Now more than ever, everyone's help is needed to support those fighting on the front lines to protect our health”.

The company is working with sheer commitment and determination, by coordinating with the Protezione Civile (Italy’s Civil Protection), local and regional authorities, with the sole intention of bringing back home as quickly as possible guests and crew members on board its ships. “Over the course of this emergency, Costa Cruises has worked for the repatriation of over 25,000 guests and part of its crew.

This great organizational effort – continuing tirelessly – has moved in an extremely complex international environment due to the growing restrictions applied on the liberty of movement of people, adopted in many countries, and the critical limitations on domestic and international air flights. Our wish is not to burden the territories we reach with our ships arrive, but support them in these difficult moments”, added Palomba.

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