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29 June 2021
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Easy LNG Demo Day: final event at Palazzo San Giorgio

The Port Authority headquarters at Palazzo San Giorgio hosted the second part of the Genoa Demo Day of the Interreg Easy LNG programme on 29 June.

The hybrid event, also broadcast in live streaming, was attended by the EU project partners, together with the local authorities and the shipping and road-haulage industry. Focal point of the workshop: the presentation of the LNG mobile refuelling plant financed across the European Regional Development Fund.

The welcome speeches of the Port Authority President Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Commander of the Port of Genoa Rear Admiral Sergio Liardo and the Director of the Provincial Firefighters Corps Arturo Antonelli, marked the opening of the Conference dedicated to the topical issue of LNG Integrated Access Source for Efficient Logistics. The specifications of the refuelling point, the safety measures and the competitive edge of LNG were illustrated by Giuseppe Canepa, the Port Authority Director of the Environment and Plant and Maintenance Services; Aldo Bernardini, Managing Director of Ham Italia Srl,; Silvio Barbieri, Technical Consultant for Ham Italia Srl and Adriano Buscaglia, Consultant for the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority.

The Genoa Demo Day marks the conclusion of the EU Project of Cooperation Interreg Italy-France Maritime Easy LNG, whereby the Ports of Genoa will be the first Italian port equipped with a liquified natural gas mobile refuelling plant to serve the large number of heavy vehicles which access the port daily. In line with the general green policy guidelines adopted by the Port Authority, the scope of the Easy LNG project is to reduce the deployment of fossil fuels and the current dependence upon the use of oil.

The full video of the EASY LNG DEMO DAY can be viewed on the official website of the EU Project.

In the first part of the final event of the DEMO DAY, which took place on 23 June at the new Bettolo Container Terminal, the local port community had the opportunity to view a demonstration of LNG truck refuelling from the mobile filling station supplied by the Italian company Ham Italia, the appointed EU project partner (watch the video).

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