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28 August 2018
1 minute and 58 seconds of reading time

Institutions and port operators are working side by side to make the #PortsofGenoaGOAhead.

All the stakeholders of the Ports of Genoa Shipping Community have confirmed their commitment to co-operate and build a revised organizational model to cope with the disruption anticipated following the collapse of the Morandi bridge.

An ad-hoc Coordinating Board*, established just a few hours after the tragic event of August 14th, has started examining several solutions to ensure minimal disruption to the provision of the full range of port services, avoiding repercussions on port users and on city traffic.

The key issues are port road connections and cargo customs inspection services.

The Port Authority is implementing a new layout of the port road network in order to ensure a fast link to the motorways and a smooth interconnection between the Sampierdarena and Pra’-Voltri port basins, thereby reducing the impact on urban traffic.

The Customs Agency is working to facilitate the coordination of the inspection cycle in order to optimise procedures, upgrade connections between the port and the inland bonded warehouses, enhance the territorial coverage and reduce the movement of people, goods and documents between the two main port areas of Pra’-Voltri and Sampierdarena.

The port Sanitary, Veterinary and Phytopathology Divisions are working towards a simplification of the administrative procedures to ensure broader time windows for inspections. In order to plan in advance the inspections and reduce delays, the port terminals, with the collaboration of Confindustria, will anticipate the requests of inspections and the availability of containers.

Spediporto, the Genoa Freightforwarders Association, is to offer its members a courier service to shuttle documentats and samples for veterinary inspections between the port basins of Sampierdarena and Pra’-Voltri to reduce further road traffic between the two port areas.

Through this strong cooperation, the Ports of Genoa Shipping Community ensures its full commitment to solve any critical situation that may occur to meet customers’ operational needs and to guarantee the high quality service that the industry expects from the Ports of Genoa.

* The Coordinating Board is composed of representatives of the key port stakeholder categories: Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, Customs Agency, Confindustria (the Organization representing the manufacturing , construction, energy, transportation, ITC, tourism and service industries in Genoa), Spediporto (the Genoese Association of Freightforwarders), Assagenti (the Genoese Association of Ship Agents and Brokers) and operators of the Ports of Genoa Shipping Community

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