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25 June 2019
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The First Edition of the MedCruise Awards to take place in Genoa on 25 June 2019

The First Edition of the MedCruise Awards to take place in Genoa on 25 June 2019

The first edition of the MedCruise Awards is due to take place next Tuesday 25 June in Genoa. The cruise industry’s major event is hosted by one of the founding members, the Port of Genoa, today managed by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, in a city that offers premier cruise business opportunities in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.

Genoa, 21 June 2019 - The MedCruise Awards bring together MedCruise members and their partners as well as invited guests –cruise line executives and international press representatives - and wishes to reward companies, organisations and individuals who are firmly committed to promoting sustainable growth of the cruise activities in the Mediterranean and its adjoining seas.

The first edition of the MedCruise Awards integrates several categories with different juries composed of cruise industry experts, where some prizes are given based on jury members’ opinions and others based on hard facts.

Categories of the awards:

  • Cruise Line Executive Showing the Greatest Commitment during the 52nd MedCruise General Assembly held in La Valletta
  • Cruise Line Executive Showing the Greatest Commitment during the 54th MedCruise General Assembly held in Kusadasi
  • Best Port from the West Med Region of MedCruise
  • Best Port from the Adriatic Sea Region of MedCruise
  • Best Port from the East Med Region of MedCruise
  • Best Port from the Black Sea Region of MedCruise
  • Associate Member with the Most Efficient Shorex Agent and tour operator
  • Associate Member with the Most Efficient Port Agent
  • Associate Member with the Most Efficient Cruise Terminal
  • Associate Member with the Most Proactive Tourist Board/Municipality
  • Award for the Best Cruise Industry publication
  • Lifetime Recognition Award
  • Award for the Cruise Line with the Highest Number of Calls in all the MedCruise Regions
  • Award for the Cruise Line Group/Holding with Highest Number of Calls in all the MedCruise Regions
  • Award for the Luxury Cruise Line with the Highest Number of Calls in all the MedCruise Regions
  • Award for the Cruise Line with the Greatest Commitment to the East Med Region
  • Award for the Cruise Line with the Greatest Investment and Commitment to the Environment and Sustainability
  • Award for the Cruise Line with the Greatest Charity Program
  • Award for the Cruise Line with the Highest Attendance in MedCruise General Assemblies

MedCruise Association is the largest cruise port association worldwide and its mission is to promote the cruise industry in the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, Red Sea and Near Atlantic. Established in Rome in 1996, MedCruise membership spreads today in 21 countries and 3 different continents representing more than 130 ports and 32 cruise-related-companies and associations. In 2018, MedCruise members welcomed more than 28 million cruise passenger and about 12,800 cruise calls.

MedCruise assists its members in benefiting from the growth of the cruise industry by providing networking, promotion and professional development opportunities, and collaborates with different associations to better promote cruising and improve cooperation on issues of common interest. The Association is working to increase and strengthen its partnerships with cruise port associations over the coming years to continue to boost cruise traffic. These alliances help to provide a unified voice for sustainable cruise growth when dealing with European Union organisations, national governments, local authorities and other cruise industry stakeholders.

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