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14 July 2021
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Genoa and Savona Investment Programmes forge ahead

Port Authority presses ahead with the Genoa Investment Programme: publication of calls for tenders for 5 major infrastructure works. Over 150 million euros committed since 2021

The beginning of July marks the publication of five Invitations to Tender for a range of major infrastructure works in the Port of Genoa: new quay development along Ponte dei Mille Cruise Terminal (P.3133), port gate infrastructure upgrade in compliance with recent security regulations (P.3134), dredging in the passenger port and Sampierdarena basin (P.3106) and the completion of the promenade along the Port of Prà canal (P.3067), part of the wider “Dune” urban park regeneration underway. Furthermore, the call for Expressions of Interest for the implementation of the executive design and construction works for cold ironing in the Cruise and Ferry Terminal of Genoa (P.2946) has also been published.

The contract award decisions are due to be announced by the end of August, whilst the total cost value of the tenders published this month amounts to 75 million euros, and boosts the Port Authority’s financial commitment since the beginning of the year to over 150 million euros. In view of the complexity and strategic importance of the wide range of infrastructure works in progress, the Port Authority Management Committee meeting held at the end of June approved the Genoa Investment Programme Update to cater for the review of the cost value of certain projects and the addition of supplementary projects.

The Management Committee also approved the Agreement with RFI (Italian State Railway Network) regarding the demolition and construction of a new viaduct across the railway line and Via Siffredi by the International Airport (a key component of the project to upgrade rail links to the airport) and the acquisition of an additional site (4,950 sqm) in the ex-ILVA area in Genoa-Cornigliano which will be used by the construction company Pizzarotti & C S.p.A. as a base for the range of major road infrastructure works scheduled to start in the Genoa-Sampierdarena Basin, for a total expenditure of 141 million euros.

The core project of Genoa’s Investment Programme, the new Breakwater (P.3062), is also rapidly taking shape, with the Project Management Consulting (PMC) contract shortly to be awarded. Finally, the far-reaching expansion programme for the Genoa-Sestri Ponente Shipyard (P.2879) presses ahead with the new landfill (Phase 1) at a cost of approximately 70 million euros, whilst the Technical and Financial Feasibility Study on the new layout of the industrial area of the site (Phase 2), for approximately 420 million euros, has just been completed.

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