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01 March 2018
47 seconds of reading time
In 2018 cruise passenger traffic in Genoa is set to hit the one-million mark

2018 is poised to be a record year for the Ligurian cruise passenger ports and Genoa is expected to breach the 1-million threshold.

The travel and tourism industry-company, Risposte Turismo, has forecast increases across all the Italian cruise ports for the current year, with Genoa reporting an 8.1% advance on the 925,188 passenger throughput registered over the previous year.
Cruise passenger traffic is also set to grow in Savona: an 11.2% gain, on the 854,443 passengers handled in 2017, to reach 950,000.
In addition, the report contains a preview of the top 10 ranking Mediterranean ports for 2017. Italy features 5 ports, with Civitavecchia in 2nd place (approximately 2.2 million, behind Barcelona with approximately 2.7 million), Venice in 5th place (about 1.4 million), Naples in 7th place (927,000), Genoa 8th (925,000) and Savona 9th (over 854,000).

Whilst last year Liguria, with a total of 2.3 million passengers, ranked once again as the most popular Italian regional cruise destination, followed by Lazio and Veneto, with respectively approximately 2.2 million and 1.4 million passengers.

cruise terminals in Genoa basin

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