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03 August 2020
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The Genoa San Giorgio Bridge opened on Monday 3 August 2020 in a ceremony that was attended by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in addition to all those who contributed to the construction of the new bridge with their tireless work.

Genoa, 3 August 2020 - The new bridge replaces the Morandi Bridge that collapsed on 14 August 2018. The names of the 43 victims of the tragic incident were read aloud, followed by a minute of silence and the sound of the horns of the ships docked in the Port of Genoa. In his speech, the Genoa-born iconic architect, Renzo Piano, who donated his design for the new bridge, associated the longitudinal profile of the bridge with the image of a ship moored in the heart of the Polcevera Valley, a symbol of resilience, illuminated by 43 lights in memory of the innocent victims.

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