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25 July 2022
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Minister for Infrastructure Giovannini visits the Port of Genoa

The Italian Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, inspected the Port of Genoa facilities on board the Coastguards' vessel, flanked by the Port Authority President Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Commander of the Port Admiral Sergio Liardo, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci and the Prefect Renato Franceschelli.

The official Government visit to Genoa provided the Minister with the opportunity to view on-site the major infrastructure works of the 2.3 billion investment programme underway across Italy's leading port. Following an inspection of the Fincantieri Shipyard, where senior management illustrated the plans for the expansion of the Sestri Ponente industrial area and the installation of a new dry dock to cater for the construction of the ultra-large ships, the boat tour proceeded with a visit to the full range of multi-commodity terminals and cruise and ferry passenger hub, in addition to the new Levante Waterfront Redevelopment, site of the new Port Control Tower.

In the afternoon the delegation met in the Prefecture Territorial Government Offices to discuss the details of the core projects underway in the Ports of Genoa, Pra', Savona and Vado, with a focus on the upgrade of overall road and rail accessibility and on the new breakwaters under construction in Sampierdarena and Vado Ligure.

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