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13 May 2022
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Today, the historical port headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio provided the backdrop to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, and the Trade and Transformation Director of Group Supply Chain & Logistics, DP World, Simon Pitout.

The agreement seeks specifically to forge closer cooperation in the establishment of a smart transport, logistics and industrial supply chain in the Ports of Genoa.

The Memorandum of Understanding sealed today between Italy's premier port and the world's leading provider of global smart end-to-end supply chain logistics - in the aftermath of Liguria Region's successful institutional-trade mission to Expo 2020 Dubai in March 2022 - sets out the conditions for the provision of support in a number of areas.

These include the development of a network of ports and inland terminals, industrial and logistics zones and service centres; addressing supply chain solutions to trucking freight forwarding and warehouse management; and the sharing of best practices in the possible implementation of a logistics multimodal international corridor and related interoperability with the Port Community System.

"DP World is specialised in facilitating international trade flows across networks of inland terminals", declared the Ports of Genoa President Paolo Emilio Signorini, "In our capacity as sixth European gateway port, one of our top priorities is to improve connections between our seaports and inland terminals. The opportunity to cooperate with an established and experienced global group such as DP World will undoubtedly assist us in improving the provision of supply chain services across the port and in boosting further our throughput."

Simon Pitout, Trade and Transformation Director for Group Supply Chain & Logistics at DP World, said: "There is great potential to develop and integrate Genoa's logistics and trade infrastructure to unlock tremendous economic benefits. Through this Memorandum of Understanding, we aim to share our expertise of creating the smartest, most efficient, sustainable and innovative solutions in end-to-end logistics to explore ways in which we could potentially support Genoa to maximize its strategic location and increase trade flows domestically and in the surrounding region."

The agreement seeks specifically to forge closer cooperation in the establishment of a smart transport, logistics and industrial supply chain in the Ports of Genoa.

The Memorandum of Understanding sealed today between Italy's premier port and the world's leading provider of global smart end-to-end supply chain logistics - in the aftermath of Liguria Region's successful institutional-trade mission to Expo 2020 Dubai in March 2022 - sets out the conditions for the provision of support in a number of areas.

These include the development of a network of ports and inland terminals, industrial and logistics zones and service centres; addressing supply chain solutions to trucking freight forwarding and warehouse management; and the sharing of best practices in the possible implementation of a logistics multimodal international corridor and related interoperability with the Port Community System.

"DP World is specialised in facilitating international trade flows across networks of inland terminals", declared the Ports of Genoa President Paolo Emilio Signorini, "In our capacity as sixth European gateway port, one of our top priorities is to improve connections between our seaports and inland terminals. The opportunity to cooperate with an established and experienced global group such as DP World will undoubtedly assist us in improving the provision of supply chain services across the port and in boosting further our throughput."

Simon Pitout, Trade and Transformation Director for Group Supply Chain & Logistics at DP World, said: "There is great potential to develop and integrate Genoa's logistics and trade infrastructure to unlock tremendous economic benefits. Through this Memorandum of Understanding, we aim to share our expertise of creating the smartest, most efficient, sustainable and innovative solutions in end-to-end logistics to explore ways in which we could potentially support Genoa to maximize its strategic location and increase trade flows domestically and in the surrounding region."

Download the press release >

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