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12 April 2022
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New Breakwater given official green light by EIA Ministerial Commission

On 28 March the Technical Commission of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition issued the Environmental Impact Assessment final report, officially giving the go-ahead to the construction of the new breakwater in the Port of Genoa.

At this juncture, the Local Planning Authority is on schedule to complete the planning permission process by 30 April 2022, and precedes the final approval to be granted by the Special Committee of the Upper Council of Public Works of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure.
The project will subsequently be subject to verification and the invitation to tender for the construction of the breakwater is on track to be published by the end of June 2022.

With the allocation of the remaining 100 million euros earmarked by Decree n.1545/2021 across the Government Infrastructure Fund, the financial requirements for the completion of Phase A of the New Breakwater project, estimated at 950 million euros, have been successfully fulfilled: 500 million euros from the Recovery and Resilience Facility Complementary Fund, 57 million euros from the Liguria Region and 302.8 million euros across the European Investment Bank loan.

In addition, on 8 April the Legal Memorandum of Understanding to combat criminal infiltration in the construction of the new Breakwater in the Port of Genoa was signed in the Prefecture headquarters, with the participation of the Italian Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese, by the Prefect Renato Franceschelli, Special Commissioner for Reconstruction Marco Bucci and the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority President and Commissioner for the Breakwater Paolo Emilio Signorini and trade union Fillea CGIL, Filca Cisl and Feneal Uil delegates.

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