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06 July 2022
56 seconds of reading time

Within the range of infrastructure works underway to upgrade the Passenger Port of Genoa, quaywall renovation at Ponte dei Mille East begins to take shape.

Plans are afoot to equip the berth for the next-generation cruise vessels, thereby providing Stazioni Marittime with an additional mega-cruise pier, alongside Ponte dei Mille West which can already accommodate the ultra-large passenger ships following the recent completion of dredging works.

The project foresees the extension of the existing quay, the construction of a new embarkation terrace and cruise facility upgrades guaranteeing the strictest standards of safety. New quay development will extend the 290-metre Ponte dei Mille East to 380 metres to cater for cruise ships up to 330 metres.

The final step in the completion of the redevelopment of the Passenger and Old Port of Genoa is the construction of a new quayline at Calata Santa Limbania, alongside the former Hennebique grain silos which is currently the focal point of a large-scale regeneration programme. The quay, set to be enhanced by 12 metres in width, will in part be deployed by the adjacent cruise terminal operator and in part will offer mooring facilities for city residents.

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