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19 January 2018
51 seconds of reading time
Green light for the new double-rail track at Voltri Terminal Europa managed by PSA Voltri-Pra’

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) and Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority signed a Convention regulating the cooperation agreement aimed to upgrade rail links to the Port of Pra’-Voltri.

In addition to doubling rail access to Voltri Terminal Europa, the planned works envisage the construction of two new tracks across the railway yard as well as the upgrade of four existing tracks. The new six-track configuration, with an average length of 450 m and a double link to VTE, will increase the number of daily trains serving the Port of Pra’-Voltri, thus further expanding the overall capacity of the port, currently ranked premier gateway terminal in the Mediterranean.

Rail upgrading works were outlined in the Convention which also called for the Port Authority to grant RFI a concession across a  48,000-sqm  area in the port, while Italy's state-owned railway company will in turn carry out construction works and sustain costs.

Construction works are set to kick off in March 2018, further to the tender adjudication, while completion is expected by December 2019.

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