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03 March 2022
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The digitalisation of the port and supply chain moves rapidly ahead in Genoa, with the launch of the new PCS mobile app designed to improve the provision of services to the haulage industry.

The E.V.A. (E-Port Viaggi Autotrasporto) app supplies truck drivers with information on shipments and deliveries in real-time and, in conjunction with the automated gate systems already in place, offers road-hauliers the opportunity to access the terminals quickly, cutting transit times in/out at the port. Genoa's new E-port app makes it easy for drivers of heavy vehicles to plan ahead and pre-book their place at the terminal of destination, with no paper documents required.

(Watch the video >)  

The mobile app can be downloaded on Play Store (Android) and on App Store (iOS): e-Port Viaggi Autotrasporto.

 google play         Apple Store

 Consult the online user manual >

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