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01 July 2022
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New Genoa Breakwater: no bids submitted

In view of the fact that no bids were submitted by the two groups pre-qualified to present an offer in the call for tender for the implementation of the detailed and executive design and construction of the new Breakwater of Genoa, the Port Authority declares its intention to proceed, in compliance with art.63 of the Public Procurement Code, with the contract award process with the interested parties.

Within this framework, alternative solutions are currently being assessed. Firstly, the opportunity, during the contract award process, to review the design of the breakwater, with no changes to project performance and costs, as per requirements outlined in report n.1/22 of the Standing Committee of the Upper Council for Public Works, to be incorporated during the final detailed design process. Secondly, to explore the possibility of releasing funds from the ad-hoc Ministerial Fund or from other sources of Port Authority or Government finance, to cover the raw material price increases.

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