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03 February 2023
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Inauguration of the new Pionieri e Aviatori d'Italia Viaduct across via Siffredi.

Genoa, 3 February 2023 - Today the new direct link road from the motorway exit to Genoa's International Airport has officially been opened following an upgrade of via Pionieri e Aviatori d'Italia and the installation of a new single-span viaduct. Speakers at the opening ceremony included the host of the event, President of the Port Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini, joined by President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci; Board Director of the Airport of Genoa Barbara Pozzolo and Managing Director of the building contractor Pizzarotti Carlo Luzzatto. The technical specifications of the new link road were illustrated by the Port Authority Chief Engineer of the Port of Genoa Road Infrastructure Project, Fabrizio Mansueto.

In fact, the new viaduct across via Siffredi, between Cornigliano and Sestri Ponente, is just one of a wide range of major roadworks planned on-site in the Sampierdarena port area, with the construction of smart dedicated multi-lane heavy vehicle roads, set to ease simultaneously both inner port and urban traffic congestion. The planned infrastructure works are designed to provide direct link roads between the motorway network, Genova City Airport and the terminals in the Sampierdarena basin to cater for the increase in cargo throughput projected upon completion of the New Breakwater.

The viaduct is now open to heavy vehicles without the weight restrictions prescribed by the previous bridge. The new facility, 75 metres long per 430 tonnes in weight, offers a load capacity up to 44 t., compared to the previous 7.5 t. Specifically, the complex operation regarding the on-site delivery and installation of the viaduct deck reached a successful conclusion thanks to the dedication and commitment of over 200 engineers and highly skilled specialised workers from over 5 companies co-ordinated by Pizzarotti.

Furthermore, the new single-span viaduct has freed up the area below which runs across the Genoa-Ventimiglia railway line, designated site for the integrated mobility hub, which will be equipped with a new Station and an automated people mover connected to the airport and a funicular connected to Erzelli Hill. This prime site, today headquarters of Italy's leading Technology and Science Park, is due to accommodate in addition Genoa's new state-of-the-art hospital and the Department of Engineering of the University of Genoa.

The redevelopment of the port road infrastructure is part of an overall far-reaching plan to improve access by sea, road, rail and air to the Port of Genoa's cargo terminals.

Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority: "Today we are in the process of upgrading the infrastructure connecting the port and the city overland to cater for the expected increase in cargo volumes following the completion of the construction of the New Breakwater and the Third Railway Line across the Apennines, thereby firmly establishing Genoa's position as a modern logistics platform serving the shipping community worldwide."

Watch the VIDEO of the inauguration >

Watch the video of the work, from demolition to launch, in 2 minutes >

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