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31 May 2022
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New Genoa Breakwater: Public Works Upper Council gives green light

On 27 May the Select Committee of the Public Works Upper Council of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility gave the go-ahead to the Port of Genoa's key strategic project for the building of the New Breakwater. At this juncture, the Port Authority is on track to publish, by the beginning of June, the invitation to tender for the executive design and construction works.

Genoa's New Breakwater forms part of a group of ten government core projects considered vital to addressing longstanding economic challenges across the country, and which consequently benefit from major infrastructure status and from the introduction of streamlined procedures, with added flexibility in the implementation of the approval and authorisation processes (D.L. 77/21). President Paolo Emilio Signorini, Government Commissioner of the Project, declared, "In just nine months we have managed to complete what would normally have taken four years." In fact, in less than a year, all planning permits have been granted, including approval received across the Environmental Impact Assessment final report and the conclusion of the local planning permission procedures. With the formal go-ahead given by the Public Works Upper Council, a group of experts which flanks the Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility in the implementation of Recovery and Resilience National Plan-designated projects, the Port Authority has successfully met all the deadlines set to date.

The invitation to tender, to be published shortly, refers to "Phase A" of the construction of the New Port of Genoa Breakwater, with an estimated project value of 957 million euros: 500 million euros allocated across the Recovery and Resilience Facility Complementary Fund, 100 million euros across the Government Infrastructure Fund, 57 million euros from the Liguria Region and 300 million euros across the European Investment Bank loan.

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