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25 October 2023
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Over 4 million passengers: all-time record for the Ports of Genoa

Record passenger throughput in the first nine months of this year at the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado: 4 million cruise and ferry passengers, a +24% upturn on 2022, and with the prospect of reaching the 5-million pax threshold by the end of 2023.

Specifically, cruise traffic volumes from January to September topped a total of 1.8 million (Genoa 1,247,672; Savona 569,938), a staggering +78.7% advance on the corresponding period of the previous year, with 351 ship calls and a wide-ranging positive economic impact on the local community. The ferry sector also performed strongly, reporting almost 2.4 million passengers across the Western Ligurian Sea ports.

The increasing number of passengers who continue to choose Genoa and Savona as a cruise port of call, combined with the firm commitment of the leading global cruise lines to continue to invest in the Ligurian ports, is the result of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority planning strategy which has recently completed a range of major infrastructure works to upgrade quays, with dredging operations alongside, to cater for the new MSC “World Class” ultra-large vessels, which boast a guest capacity of almost 7000. In addition, the Port Authority is investing 30 million euros in Genoa and Savona to install ship-to-shore power supply facilities for cruise ships docking at the passenger terminals.

This weekend, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October, Genoa will provide the backdrop to six MSC cruise vessels for a total of 31,000 passengers, which will add to the record-breaking figures already registered in the cruise port in October.

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