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25 October 2018
1 minute and 54 seconds of reading time

The President of the Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, welcomed delegates from Europe’s major ports to the 5th edition of the Citizen Port Meeting organised by the Port Center Network of AIVP, the international association of city ports.

25 October 2018 - This year’s forum focuses on how to promote a genuine port – city – citizen relationship. Within this framework, the Port Authority of Genoa and Savona-Vado has recently established an ad hoc-Office specifically dedicated to consolidating relations and integration between the port and city communities. In less than a year, the Public Relations Office has received and responded to the requests of over a thousand citizens who have appealed to the Port Authority in its capacity as a credible and capable arbitrator. The enquiries sent to date by citizens have been diverse and numerous, in reference both to city/port issues and to issues connected exclusively to the port. The topics of the enquiries received include, to quote just a few, recruitment, training programmes and courses, school work experiences, environmental sustainability of port activities and port infrastructure plans, port permits, cruise and ferry passenger services, and the use of port facilities to accommodate local community activities and to organise cultural and sports events. 
A selection of the enquiries sent by citizens has led to the creation of a new section on the website dedicated to Frequently Asked Questions, which next year will be developed further. Since the FAQ section has been operational, a large number of written enquiries have been followed up by a request for appointments. In fact, in less than a year, the front-office has handled over a hundred contacts. 
In addition, Palazzo San Giorgio, the headquarters of the Port Authority, has been conferred with the European Year of Cultural Heritage designation in recognition of endeavours made to foster appreciation and spread awareness of the importance of the Palazzo, as part of Italy’s heritage, by opening up the building to the public at certain times of the year. In 2018, following a Cooperation Agreement undersigned with FAI, the Italian Heritage Trust, and an agreement with the Palazzi dei Rolli Trust, over 5000 people have had the opportunity to visit this magnificent building which, in the past, had always been closed to the public.

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