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08 October 2021
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During the 53rd edition of the Barcolana Sailing Race in Trieste, President Signorini took part in a collateral event "Innovate ports to innovate cities", addressing the issues linked to sustainability and the ecological transition in the Ports of Genoa, Savona, Vado and Pra'.

The first edition of the Barcolana Sea Summit, entitled "The Sea is Forever", focused on marine and aquatic ecosystem sustainability. "A discussion on the environment in terms of city-port relations must include an action plan with solutions to improve port accessibility, reduce pollution and implement high-quality waterfront redevelopment schemes. We have approved a 2.3 billion euro investment programme which brings together projects on digital data exchange, cold ironing and urban impact mitigation. In addition, the Next Generation EU fund will provide us with the opportunity to invest in smart grids, multi-fuel service stations and electric mobility," stated the Ports of Genoa President, Paolo Emilio Signorini.

Other panel members included Roberto Gasparetto, Managing Director of AcegasApsAmga - Gruppo Hera; Zeno D'Agostino, President of the Eastern Adriatic Sea Port Authority; Vincenzo Vitale, FVG Maritime Director and Commander of the Port of Trieste; Alessio Lilli, General Manager of TAL Group; Cristian Acquistapace, Executive V. President BU Environment & Efficiency and Maurizio Maresca, President of Alpe Adria SpA.

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