Project management of the new Breakwater has been contracted to RINA Consulting. Four tenders from the Investment Programme have been awarded in the last week, and an additional three are due to be announced shortly, for a total value of 80 million euros
In the last week, three key tenders, funded by the Emergency investment Programme for the recovery of the Port of Genoa in the aftermath of the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, were officially assigned by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, in addition to the major contract awarded to RINA Consulting for project coordination, quality control, construction project supervision, safety coordination and technical support (PMC) to the Port Authority in the implementation of the new Breakwater of Genoa, Moreover, a further three contract award decisions are due to be announced by the end of August, valued at a total of 80 million euros.
"The Project Management Consultancy services delivered," declared the Ports of Genoa President Paolo Emilio Signorini, "will provide the Port Authority with the invaluable technical and administrative management support required to achieve the implementation of a such a bold strategic public infrastructure project as the New Breakwater. In the first phase, RINA Consulting Spa will flank the Port Authority during the complex project approval process as the dossier is reviewed by the Superior Council of Public Works and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Simultaneously, support will be supplied in the optimisation of the procedural requirements and in the elaboration of the tender for the executive design and construction works of the New Port of Genoa Breakwater, to ensure publication by the end of the year. The successful collaboration between the Port Authority and the PMC is at the basis of the implementation of this large-scale complex infrastructure project, the most ambitious project underway in the Italian port industry in the past 50 years, and designed to guarantee the economic development of Italy's premier port."
The other contracts recently awarded by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority include the detailed and executive design and construction works for new quay development along Ponte dei Mille Levante in Genoa's Cruise Terminal, won by R.T.I. Fincosit; dredging in the Sampierdarena port basin and passenger port, contracted to R.T.I. R.C.M. Costruzioni; creation of an urban park and completion of the promenade along the southbank of the Port of Pra' canal, assigned to R.T.I. Consorzio Stabile 3Emme Difesa e Territorio.
By the end of the month of August, plans are afoot to contract an additional three tenders, dedicated specifically to port security infrastructure reinforcement and upgrade, retrofit of the San Giorgio quaywall in the Sampierdarena port basin, and upgrade and expansion of the new Rugna rail yard to serve the Bettolo and PSA SECH full-container terminals.