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12 October 2022
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Port of Genoa Breakwater: contract awarded to Webuild

President Signorini: Construction works kick off in 2023. President Toti and Mayor Bucci: Momentous event set to revolutionise our port.

GENOA. Today, the bid for the design and construction of the New Breakwater of the Port of Genoa has been officially assigned to the Webuild Group. The contract has been awarded following the conclusion of a highly challenging planning, design, approval and award procedure for the implementation of Italy’s largest-scale project dedicated to port infrastructure to improve maritime access and upgrade security at Italy’s leading port.

“At the beginning of 2023, in full compliance with the timeline established by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the construction works are scheduled to commence and to be completed by the end of 2026,” declared Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, following today’s announcement.

“The successful award for the construction of the new breakwater gives us immense satisfaction,” commented the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti and the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci. “We are on the threshold of a historic event which is set to revolutionise our port and boost overall the competitive edge of the Italian logistics service industry. Genoa and Liguria continue along a roadmap of change and innovation. The contracting of the works of the new Breakwater is set to become a milestone in the economic history of this region. Today marks the start of the construction of a core infrastructure project strategic not only to Genoa and Liguria, but to the entire Nation.”

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