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31 May 2023
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Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on the 100 million-euro Vado Ligure port and infrastructure investment plan. A focus on economic development, sustainability and employment.

31 May 2023 - The completion of the Vado Ligure open-sea breakwater, with the second phase works due to commence by the first half of 2025, new road construction and revamping for bridges to improve access to the port and intermodal terminal facilities and reduce urban traffic congestion, river defence and engineering works: these are the large-scale infrastructure projects outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding signed today, for a total of over 100 million euros, which will deliver a range of economic and social benefits in Vado.

In view of the revised priorities of the local community, deriving from recent and future local port development, the document is an annex to the agreement sealed in 2008 and updated in 2018, with the addition of new major infrastructure projects and a review of the timeline of construction works already underway. The MoU, undersigned by the Vice-Minister for Infrastructure Edoardo Rixi, the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, the President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Mayor of Vado Ligure Monica Giuliano and the President of the Province of Savona Pierangelo Olivieri, anticipates the update of the Local Area Agreement due to be signed on 31 July.

"The Memorandum of Understanding signed today, outlining a range of infrastructure works for a total investment of over 100 million euros, represents a model of best practices in local development and governance and in listening to the concerns of our local community to build a vision together", declares the Port President Paolo Emilio Signorini. "The Protocol aims at an acceleration of the projects already underway in terms of accessibility and environmental protection, at greater integration between the city and the port with extensive waterfront redevelopment. In addition, the document calls for the establishment of further forms of collaboration with the local residents of Vado in terms of job creation, training schemes and business activities within the sizable public and private investment programme implemented across the Port and Intermodal Terminal of Vado Ligure. By July 2023, the provisions outlined in the MoU will be contained in the Addendum to the Local Area Agreement of 2008, thereby consolidating further the strategic role of this region."

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