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13 March 2020
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The Ports of Genoa remain open and fully operational

Notwithstanding the public health “Coronavirus” emergency underway, the Ports of Genoa, Pra’, Savona and Vado Ligure continue to provide all port operations, in compliance with the recent Italian ministerial provisions to curb the spread of the disease, and thereby guaranteeing the smooth movement of freight across the country

On 12 March, the Port Committee of Hygiene and Safety set out the guidelines for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in the area under the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority’s jurisdiction, comprising all cargo/passenger handling facilities and shipyards, with the joint objective of guaranteeing the health and safety of workers and the smooth functioning of all port operations.

The precautionary measures adopted require that all port operating companies and shipyards must ensure the disinfection of handling equipment and workplaces at regular intervals, alongside the application of recommendations such as the supply of sanitising hand gels, surgical masks and gloves, and the maintenance of at least 1-metre distance amongst co-workers.

In addition, the guidelines prescribe a review of the layout of areas deployed to accommodate port users (ship crews/terminal operators/road-hauliers/passengers) to avoid overcrowding and reduce to a minimum direct contact, together with the promotion of an intensive use and expansion of the E-port system.

Temporary disruptions of port operations during the implementation of the new procedures will be managed with the cooperation of all the port stakeholders working towards the common goal of guaranteeing the safety of workers and the normal functioning of the Ports of Genoa which, at such a critical time for the nation, continues to carry out its strategic role as maritime gateway for imports/exports to/from the leading Italian industrial and consumer centres.

It is important to note that, although cruise activities are at a standstill worldwide, ferry services to the major Italian islands from Genoa, Savona and Vado are fully operationsl, whilst the container terminals in Genoa, Pra’ and Vado continue to accommodate vessels from across the world, albeit the regular liner services have undergone a rescheduling on the part of the leading ocean carriers.

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