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22 April 2020
41 seconds of reading time
Ports of Genoa: quayside school interaction

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure remain operational, both at quayside and at school. In fact, the education and training programmes and courses, arranged throughout the year with local schools, continue online.

Students in Savona have recently been updated on the impact of the global public health emergency on port activities and on the world economy, with a focus on repercussions on local maritime cargo and passenger operations. As part of the school apprenticeship schemes, pupils were also invited to join two webinars dedicated to the use of alternative fuels towards the development of sustainable maritime transport and to the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on ports.

The online courses are scheduled to continue throughout the month of April, in collaboration with schools both in Genoa and in Savona.


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