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20 January 2022
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Genoa, 14 January – The Port Authority headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio hosted the 2022 inaugural press conference “Ports of Genoa (R)EVOLUTION”, an on-site and online event held by President Signorini, Mayor Bucci and Governor Toti who together provided participants with an update on the wide range of major infrastructure projects in progress across the Port of Genoa.

“The sizable mega-infrastructure investment programme underway is set to “revolutionise” the Port and the City. A total of 27 projects are taking shape across Genoa’s port basin for a total of 2.3 billion euros: 20 projects are to date in progress and 7 are scheduled to commence shortly. The spirit of cohesion and commitment on the part of the local authorities has been remarkable and it is important to highlight that 49 of the 62 calls for tenders for feasibility studies, project designs and construction works have already been contracted. The business consultants Prometeia published the results of a study conducted to assess the economic impact of the far-reaching port infrastructure investment programme on Genoa: 38,000 people in employment (direct-indirect-induced) and a contribution of over 2 billion euro to the economy,” announced Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority during the Press Conference.

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