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26 October 2022
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Lugano's LAC Conference Centre provided the stunning backdrop to the fifth edition of the forum "Mare di Svizzera", offering landlocked Swiss shippers and supply chain service providers the unique opportunity to exchange data and opinions with the Italian local authorities and port operators.

The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority President Paolo Emilio Signorini, keynote speaker at the conference, provided the audience with a Ports of Genoa roadmap for the future and an update on the major infrastructure works underway across Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure.

"We have now reached the fifth edition of "Mare di Svizzera" which confirms the marked interest of operators in keeping abreast of events in Genoa, Northwestern Italy, Switzerland and, in general, in the EU Rhine-Alpine Corridor; consequently, it is important to illustrate the recent developments registered at the ports of the Western Ligurian Sea," declared President Signorini. "One of the key economic drivers is restored credibility in the Ports of Genoa. We are here in Lugano after 5 years because the full range of infrastructure projects unveiled at the time have kicked off or have already been completed."

The Port President proceeded to focus on improved accessibility by sea - with the forthcoming construction of the new breakwater scheduled to commence at the beginning of 2023 and to be completed by November 2026, as per recommendations of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience - on improved accessibility by road, rail and air, which all concur to boost the overall performance and strategic role of the EU freight corridor in terms of the Italian and Swiss economy. "A southern gateway which adopts the highest operational standards can guarantee locally higher volumes of trade, a more intensive use of chain supply management activities and a boost in the offer of complementary quality services, all sectors in which the Swiss Confederation excels. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Port Authority that 60 public tenders have been successfully awarded for a total of 2.5 billion euros in 3 years. We are now set to address the new challenges of the future."

Paolo Emilio Signorini indicated the objectives which must be reached by 2026: the completion of all the infrastructure projects as outlined in the Port of Genoa Action Plan, new investments in enhanced digitalisation, namely in terms of port automation and security gate management, operational integration with inland terminals, heavy vehicle and rail management in/out the port and a more intensive use of the Port Community System. The President concluded with a reminder of the key importance of sustainability which today is at the core of all port development strategies and plans, and how the Port Authority is currently improving energy efficiency across a range of projects, including the deployment of cold ironing, photovoltaic power plants and green fuels.

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