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12 March 2022
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Ports of Genoa visits Dubai Ports

The Liguria Region concludes the successful institutional-trade mission to EXPO DUBAI 2020, organised in cooperation with Liguria International, with an official visit to the Port of Dubai.

Dubai, 12 March - The on-site participation of the Ligurian Port Authorities in EXPO DUBAI 2020 offered the Ports of Genoa with the opportunity to arrange multiple events and B2B meetings with both local authorities and leading players of the Emirate shipping industry. In the aftermath of the successful Regional Day of 11 March dedicated to the "Great Beauty of Liguria" in the Italian Pavilion, Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority President, was invited together with the delegation to inspect the Dubai Ports facilities, hosted and accompanied by Simon Pitout, Vice President Group Supply Chain & Logistics of the DP World UAE group.

The delegation visited the Jebel Ali facility, one of the busiest ports worldwide, handling annual container throughput volumes of over 22 million teus.

At the end of the trade mission, Presidente Signorini commented, "The first day, dedicated to Expo 2020, was highly informative in that it provided us with the opportunity to assess and monitor the status of global shipping and today's geopolitical issues with the Italian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, the President of the Italian Trade Commission and major players of the Dubai business community. The second day was dedicated entirely to a visit to the Port of Jebel Ali and an in-depth discussion with DP World, one of the world's leading terminal operators." During the meeting, the areas of possible mutual cooperation with DP World were identified as the port supply chain and the digitalization of port activities.

Watch the video-interview with the Port Authority President >  

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