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26 July 2021
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Presentation of the 61st Genoa Boat Show

The press conference dedicated to the 61st edition of Genoa's International Boat Show was broadcast in live streaming, with the participation on-site of the President of the Port Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini, the President of the Liguria Region Liguria Giovanni Toti and the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci.

The headquarters of the Italian Marine Industry Association provided the backdrop to the presentation, hosted by senior management of the Association and I Saloni Nautici, organiser of Europe's leading boat show: President of the Association and of I Saloni Nautici Saverio Cecchi, Managing Director Carla Demaria and Commercial Director Alessandro Campagna of I Saloni Nautici and the Director General of the Marine Industry Association Marina Stella.

"This year," declared the Port President Signorini, "visitors will be able to view and experience a restyled exhibition area, thanks to the far-reaching redevelopment of the site which is set to boost further the competitive edge of the event in the Med. The range of major works completed include a total of approximately 800 carparks and the forthcoming installation of a new boarding bridge, part of the second phase of the restructuring programme. Our ambitious goal is to build a zero-emissions port: we are heading towards the electrification of all marine activities which will be powered by solar energy."

The 61st edition of the Genoa International Boat Show, scheduled from 16-21 September, reflects the trade figures recently released by the Statistics Office of the Italian Marine Industry Association which confirms that the upward trend in the shipbuilding and yachting industry is expected to continue. The "Sold Out" sign since June, in terms of exhibition space booked by both Italian and international companies wishing to showcase their products and services, can also be cited as grounds for continued optimism following the outstanding success of the 60th edition of 2020, the only boat show to have featured on-site in Europe in full compliance with Covid-19 health and safety regulations.

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