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09 February 2022
1 minute and 14 seconds of reading time
Prime Minister Draghi visits the Port of Genoa

This morning the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, met with senior local government authorities and members of the Ports of Genoa shipping community in the historic landmark building of Palazzo San Giorgio, headquarters of the Port Authority, following an inspection of the port facilities by boat.

The Premier’s first official visit to Genoa provided President Paolo Emilio Signorini with the opportunity to illustrate the multi-service activities of the Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure and the range of major infrastructure projects underway which, bolstered by a sizable investment programme in part funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, are set to strengthen the port’s position as a modern and sustainable logistics platform serving the shipping community worldwide.

In his address to the audience, Premier Draghi highlighted: “The Port of Genoa and Savona is Italy’s leading container gateway port, handling one-third of total Italian volumes. The speed and efficiency of the port are a fundamental driving force behind our exports and our entire manufacturing industry. Today, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, together with the Port Investment Programme, are a catalyst towards the establishment of an increasingly competitive and safer Port of Genoa. It is an investment for the city and for the industrial sector overall, at both local and national level.”

President Signorini’s presentation >

The VIDEO Ports of Genoa (R)EVOLUTION >

Watch Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s speech >

Watch Port Authority President Signorini’s speech >


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