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16 March 2020
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PSA Pra’: measures to counteract and contain the Covid-19

Following the agreement dated 14 March 2020 regulating the measures aimed to counteract and contain the spread of the COVID-19 Virus at workplaces, which has been mutually accepted by the Unions, the Employers’ Associations and the Government, further fulfillments have been set to continue the production activities, including the possibility to reduce temporarily such productions

With the aim to limit the presence of the working personnel, while maintaining operations, the PSA GP has set and shared with the local Port Authority the following actions, valid from 06.00 hours on Monday 16 March 2020:

  1. Vessel operations: a maximum of 4 gangs will be deployed per each shift;
  2. Rail operations: a maximum of 1 gang will be deployed per each shift;
  3. Import/export documentation office/gate:
    • Export: the second vessel’s acceptance on each service will be subject to the end of the commercial operations on the first vessel of the same service;
    • Import: no limitations;
    • Maximum passages per hour: 80 trucks per hour.

Such actions have been taken to avoid the complete production downtime and are aimed to support, as far as possible, the national logistic chain, without neglecting the vital necessity to safeguard the health of all employees and of all people who gravitate, because of their activities, around the PSA GP areas.

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