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22 November 2021
42 seconds of reading time
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The documentary video, produced in collaboration with TeleGenova, focuses on the large-scale reconversion of the former Hennebique grain silos, a masterpiece of industrial architecture located in the heart of Genoa's Old Port Waterfront alongside the Cruise Terminal and the University of Genoa.

During the presentation of the Hennebique Redevelopment Scheme, unveiled on 8 November by the Vitali Group together with the Port Authority, the TeleGenova crew conducted by Franco Nativo, takes the viewer on a voyage across the history of the landmark building dating from the turn of the 20th century, with an illustration of the 100 million-euro redevelopment plan set to bring the prime site back to life. As the preliminaries in the construction works of the monumental former grain silos kick off, the details of the new 40,000 sqm-mixed use hub will be unveiled.

To view the TeleGenova HENNEBIQUE docu-video >

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