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14 November 2023
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Renewal of Environmental and Quality Management Certifications in 2023

The Port Authority has once again successfully passed the audit for the renewal of the ISO 1400:2015 environmental management certification and for the extension of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management certification to the entire organisation.

The quality and environmental management systems of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority have once again received certification following the audit and focus visits conducted by the certifying body Certriquality S.r.l. on 16 and 17 October.

The ISO 14001 recertification affirmed the Port Authority's ongoing commitment in guaranteeing the environmental sustainability of port operations and infrastructure works across the identification of solutions which reconcile the competitiveness of the port with the requirements of local urban redevelopment, economic growth and protection of the environment.

The extension of the ISO 9001 certification, which now covers operations at the head offices of both Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure with a single certificate, marks an important result which points to the successful merger of the ports and the improved transparency achieved across an upgrade in digitalisation of the administrative processes.

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