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16 January 2023
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Renovations to Genova City Airport take shape

The upgrade to the Christopher Columbus International Airport terminal building kicks off. The refurbishment of the dedicated passenger area calls for a revised layout of the Departure Zone, with the installation of additional check-in desks and security checkpoints and the inauguration of a new food court and retail outlets.

The construction works have been planned and timed to cause minimum disruption to daily operations. The extensive redevelopment programme underway also foresees ample airport passenger facility expansion across the construction of a new three-level 5,500-sqm bright glass-panelled terminal building, with high ceilings and fast and easy access to dedicated areas. Works commenced in December 2021 and the first phase is scheduled to be completed by the summer.

The 20 million euro upgrade and expansion works form part of the far-reaching Port of Genoa Infrastructure Investment Programme. The Port Authority has allocated a total of 11.3 million euros, whilst the Liguria Region has earmarked 5 million euros.

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