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29 July 2022
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Quay reconstruction at the new Control Tower site is completed. Works on the tower are scheduled to go ahead after the closure of the 62nd edition of the Genoa Boat Show at the end of September, to minimise disruptions to the smooth running of the major international event.

Strategically located on an artificial island in the Levante marina, the Control Tower has been planned to ensure that all classes of ships can manoeuvre in full safety in/out of the Port of Genoa. Designed by Renzo Piano, the 60-metre high glass and steel tower will be flanked by two elevated buildings with office and back-up service facilities The rooftop is to be installed with solar panels for the provision of renewable energy, thereby contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint of the port.
The new Control Tower will watch over the whole harbour of Genoa and, in the words of its architect, recalls the outline of a giant sailor who, protecting his eyes from the glare of the sun with his hand, scans the horizon.

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