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03 March 2022
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President Paolo Emilio Signorini was invited as speaker at the event "Road to Expo Dubai. The Great Beauty of Boating in Liguria”, co-hosted by the Liguria Region and Liguria International in the historical former stock-exchange building, Palazzo della Borsa, in Genoa. The presentation heralds the forthcoming local institutional-trade mission to Expo Dubai, scheduled from 10 to 13 March 2022, during the Regional Day dedicated to Liguria, and held in conjunction with the Dubai International Boat Show.

In his address, the Port Authority President commented: “Expo Dubai is the greatest exhibition in the world and an excellent showcase for all industrial sectors. The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority’s participation on-site is strategically important as the Middle East ranks as the Ports of Genoa’s third trading partner in export. In addition, the vibrant boating and yachting industry in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia is performing strongly and is forecast to develop further. The Middle East will, therefore, provide us with the opportunity to promote our activities, but also to gain an insight on the latest trends in a highly competitive and international market.”  

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