Dredging operations are underway in Savona to increase the depth across the Palacrociere cruise terminal navigation channels to cater for the arrival of the next-generation ships.
The planned works have the objective to ensure direct and easy access in full safety on the part of the ultra-large cruise vessels across the navigation channels, with the draft set to increase to up to -10 metres. The sediment and debris is disposed of in the Alti Fondali Bulk Terminal which features a 40,000-sqm surface area and a depth of 30 metres. With an average daily capacity of 600 cubic metres of excavated material and a total of 14,500 cubic metres of sand to be removed, dredging operations are scheduled to be completed by mid-April.
The project forms part of the wide-ranging plan to improve maritime accessibility on the part of the ultra-large ships to both the Ports of Savona and Genoa.
To learn more, please watch the video with Matteo Vinci, Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority.